Renewal released September 2020. This music was written shortly after I had first encountered Aura-Soma and met the charismatic and unique Vicky Wall who founded it and her supporter Mike Booth. Mike and I went on to become close friends and collaborated on many projects. After Vicky`s death he went on to direct and
run Aura-Soma. His sensitive creative and expansive perspective made him a joy to work alongside, and I will always be grateful for the special opportunities that this collaboration facilitated and made possible.
I had made a transition from quite a conventional background to taking my first steps exploring an awareness of the world that Aura-Soma had
opened up for me. It was as though suddenly I was aware of a whole other dimension to everything, though the strong influence of my father and the classical influence he brought was apparent. In this album comes the original extended version of Dance of the Light. Something about this piece hints at the special quality of this transitional time for me, and I felt lucky to have made these discoveries and found myself in a such a vital and present experience.
Vicky Wall went on at that time to record a guided meditation over the Renewal piece, and both this and the meditation she gave over the Great Wheel – The Great Rainbow Wheel will remain fond and treasured memories. To have met and collaborated with the likes of Vicky and Mike were extraordinary and lucky meetings with exceptional and unique people.